Saturday, 31 March 2012

UK life sciences sector to grab a slice of £200m investment fund

The UK’s life sciences sector has been given a boost on news that it will be dished up a slice of a £200 million cash pie taken from the UK Innovation Investment Fund (UKIIF).

The government announced this week that the European Investment Fund has been picked to manage the £200-million UK Future Technologies Fund (from which £100 million was raised by the EIF itself) – which will also benefit digital and advanced manufacturing businesses.

The first investments will be made in UK venture funds, with cash injections destined for technology-based businesses “where there are significant growth opportunities, driving the UK economy forward and creating highly skilled jobs”, the government said.

The UKIIF, which was launched in June last year by Prime Minister Gordon Brown under the government’s strategy for Building Britain’s Future - designed to build “a stronger, fairer and more prosperous country” – operates on a fund of funds structure, which means that monies will not be invested directly in companies but instead a small number of specialist, private sector technology funds which have the expertise to invest directly in technology businesses.

The idea is that by boosting the stream of venture capital available to these funds the UKIIF will help to propel investment in high growth businesses, including start-ups and spin-outs and those that have yet to book any profits or sales and are finding it difficult to raise cash in the current difficult economic climate.

And it seems the idea is starting to pay off. “Despite a tough market, the UKIIF goes from strength to strength,” said Science and Innovation Minister Lord Drayson. “Private funds have matched the government's investment and money can now flow into promising technology companies [and] this is just the boost these companies need as the economy returns to growth,” he remarked.

The BioIndustries Association has also welcomed the news. “The closing of the fund is a significant step towards delivering much needed funding to life sciences companies in the UK and it is important that the fund managers act quickly,” said chairman Clive Dix. “We now hope that a significant proportion of the fund will be used to help make the UK’s life sciences companies the most successful in the world”.

UK science principles criticised

Scientists and campaigners have questioned how the UK government plans to engage with scientific advisers.

On Tuesday, the government published a set of principles to "clarify the relationship between advice and policy".

The independence of scientific advisers has been under question since the home secretary sacked former drugs adviser, Professor David Nutt.

But critics say that the principles are ambiguous and need clarification.

These guidelines, published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (Bis), sought to answer calls from MPs and scientists for ministers to uphold scientific independence.

Professor Colin Blakemore from Oxford University, former chief executive of the Medical Research Council said that, overall, he was pleased with what the government had done.

But he drew attention to one point in the guidelines, which said that the government and its scientific advisers "should work together to reach a shared position, and neither should act to undermine mutual trust".

"I do worry with the potential picture of advisers and civil servants, or ministers, sitting together... to cook up the evidence appropriately to support whatever line the government wants," he told BBC News.

"That isn't necessarily what the government wanted at all, but it might mean that some clarification is needed here. This is open to [an] interpretation that would contradict much of the rest of the document."

Tracey Brown, managing director of campaigning organisation Sense About Science, welcomed the publication of the new principles, but said she was "very concerned" about that same point.
Ministers rely on scientific advice to develop sound government policy
Lord Drayson

"It re-introduces the ambiguity that we thought we were all seeking to eliminate through the development of these principles," she said in a statement.

"How will advisers know whether, in answering a question at a lecture or from a journalist one morning, they might be undermining mutual trust with the government?"

But Science and Innovation Minister, Lord Drayson, said that the principles would strengthen the important relationship between ministers and advisers.

"Ministers rely on scientific advice to develop sound government policy," he said. "[The principles] emphasise the importance of academic freedom, and the responsibilities of both scientists and ministers."

He added that they would now go out for consultation.

Culture clash

The government has assuaged some of the concerns that scientists raised in the wake of Professor Nutt's dismissal.

Some researchers said that there had been several examples of "news management" by Whitehall departments, when the government did not agree with the conclusions of a report.

The Bis principles have now made it clear that scientific advisers "have the right to engage with the media and public independently of the government".

Prior to their publication, the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee had recommended that if ministers did reject scientific advice, they should formally explain their decision.

The new principles do not go that far, but do suggest that, if government "is minded not to accept advice of a scientific advisory committee... the relevant minister will normally meet with the chair to discuss the issue before a final decision is made".

They also say that scientific advisers to the government must be "free to communicate in a professional capacity within their field of expertise, subject to normal confidentiality restrictions".

This point will aim to answer those scientists who criticised the Home Secretary Alan Johnson for dismissing Professor Nutt. Mr Johnson has said that Professor Nutt "crossed the line" in his role, by campaigning against government policy.

Timing is crucial

Scientists had also criticised the government's timing when it published its response to scientific advice.

Earlier this year, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) published its own climate projections on the same day as a scientific report that criticised them.

The new principles state: "The timing of the government's response to scientific advice will demonstrably allow for proper consideration of that advice."

The government says the principles were designed to cover "trust, respect, independence, transparency and openness".

They were agreed after a series of meetings, with input from scientific advisory committees, learned societies, science media representatives and Sense about Science.

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

MOFFETT FIELD, Calif., Sept. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. space agency officials say they have selected a target lunar crater for an impact study to determine whether water ice exists at the moon's south pole.

NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite is to travel nearly 6 million miles in a journey that will have included several Earth and moon orbits before it crashes into the Cabeus A crater at 7:30 a.m. EDT Oct. 9.

The experiment involves the satellite's spent upper-stage Centaur rocket impacting the permanently shadowed polar crater. LCROSS will then fly into the plume of dust left by the impact and measure its properties before it also collides with the lunar surface.

NASA scientists said they selected Cabeus A based on a set of conditions that included proper debris plume illumination for visibility from Earth, a high concentration of hydrogen, and mature crater features such as a flat floor, gentle slopes and the absence of large boulders.

Professional astronomers using many of the Earth's observatories will help maximize the scientific return from the experiment, NASA said, noting the telescopes will provide observations from different vantage points using different types of measurement techniques.

NASA said it was dedicating the mission to the memory of the late news anchor Walter Cronkite, who provided coverage of NASA's missions from the beginning of America's manned space program into the age of the space shuttle.

Early clinical trial of H1N1 vaccines good

BETHESDA, Md., Sept. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. officials said they are encouraged by the progress of various clinical trials of H1N1 influenza vaccines.

"The early data from these trials indicate the H1N1 influenza vaccines are well tolerated and induce a strong immune response in most healthy adults when administered in a single unadjuvanted 15-microgram dose," said a statement by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.

NIAID is also conducting clinical trials of H1N1 influenza vaccines, produced by Sanofi Pasteur and CSL Limited.

The NIAID trials are testing two different dosages -- 15 micrograms versus 30 micrograms -- and evaluating the immune response to one and two doses of these vaccines. More than 2,800 people are participating in ongoing NIAID trials of these vaccines.

Among healthy adults who received a single 15-microgram dose of the Sanofi Pasteur vaccine, a robust immune response was measured in 96 percent of adults age 18-64 and in 56 percent of adults age 65 and older.

Among healthy adults who received a single 15-microgram dose of the CSL Limited vaccine, a robust immune response was measured in 80 percent of adults age 18-64 and in 60 percent of adults age 65 and older, the statement said.

Flowering may move out of seasonal sync

CLAYTON, Australia, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- Australian and U.K. scientists studying global warming say botanical calendars in many parts of the Earth may eventually move out of sync with the seasons.

The study into the impact of global warming on spring flowering was led by Malcolm Clark of Monash University and Professor Roy Thompson of the University of Edinburgh.

"Already there is a great deal of observational evidence of regional changes in climate associated with global warming," said Clark. "We have not only seen an earlier breakup of ice on rivers and melting glaciers, but also the early emergence of insects, egg laying by birds and the flowering of plants. This new model allows us to refine predictions of the future impact of warming on plant and animal life across much of the world."

Clark and Thompson predict likely changes in spring flowering in Scotland based on three potential global warming scenarios. For every 1-degree Celsius of climate warming, they predict spring flowering will begin approximately 11 days earlier.

Using their results, the scientists constructed a global map that demonstrates "desynchronization" of plant and animal life in the year 2080. The map shows maritime climates including Western Europe, the American Atlantic coast, New Zealand, Chile and North Africa will be the greatest affected as their botanical calendar moves strongly out of sync with the seasons.

The study is reported in the International Journal of Climatology.

Diabetes drug also kills cancer stem cells

BOSTON, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've found that in human breast cancer cell tumors in mice, a diabetes drug worked better than chemotherapy in prolonging remission.

Researchers led by Harvard Medical School Professor Kevin Struhl said the mice appeared tumor-free for two months after treatment before the end of the experiment. The drug, metformin, appears to selectively kill cancer stem cells in culture dishes and in mice.

The scientists said their findings provide additional rationale for testing metformin in combination with chemotherapy in people with breast cancer and perhaps other cancers.

The scientists said their findings add to a growing body of preliminary evidence in cells, mice, and people that metformin may improve breast cancer outcomes in people. In the new study, the diabetes drug seemed to work independently of its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar and insulin levels, all of which are also associated with better breast cancer outcomes, the researchers said.


Friday, 16 March 2012

One in 10' UK graduates unemployed

Unemployment rate for UK college leavers by subject
Lowest Highest
Source HESA: Percentage of full-time first degree graduates (2008-9) unemployed after six months
Medicine 0%
Computer science 17%
Education 5%
Communications 14%
Law 6%
Architecture 13% 13%
Biological science 9%
Engineering 13%
Languages 9%
Creative arts 13%
Maths 10%
Business studies 11%
Universities Minister David Willetts said the overall figures showed that employers were continuing to recruit graduates in large numbers, "even though these are students who graduated at the height of the recession".
The National Union of Students (NUS) said it was "a particularly tough time for graduates looking to get themselves on the career ladder".

"University leavers will be the engines of economic recovery in the UK and the government must ensure that it invests in the creation of suitable jobs and secures access to employment opportunities to best utilise the vast pool of skills and knowledge emerging from our colleges and universities," said NUS president Aaron Porter.
The government wants colleges to give greater information about students' chances of finding work after graduation so they make better choices before they embark on a college courses. 

"I have asked universities to provide employability statements to help people make the right choice about which course to take," Mr Willetts said.

Leaked Queen's Speech shows coalition plans 21 new bills

The coalition government plans to introduce some 21 parliamentary bills over the next 18 months, according to reports of an alleged leak of the Queen's Speech.

The monarch's address will be read at the State Opening of Parliament on Tuesday but a purported draft of the document has been obtained by both the Sunday Mirror and Sunday Telegraph newspapers.

The speech is said to include new measures regarding voting reform, education and the welfare system.

The coalition government will bring in legislation to allow more schools to become academies - a key Conservative manifesto pledge - as well as the expected scrapping of national ID cards.

The Sunday Telegraph reports the speech has central themes of "freedom, fairness and responsibility" and includes a number of policy initiatives pushed for by the Liberal Democrats in turn for entering into a coalition with the Tories.

The new government's first priority will be to "reduce the deficit and restore economic growth" and to "accelerate the reduction of the structural budget deficit" while other bills listed include an Energy Security and Green Economy Bill, a Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill and a new Health Bill.

Writing in the News of the World, prime minister David Cameron confirmed the first piece of legislation from his new government would be the Education and Children's Bill.

Mr Cameron said the bill will "increase freedoms for academies, give schools greater say in setting the curriculum and give parents the power to take over failing schools".

"Too many of the poorest children are stuck in chaotic classrooms in bad schools," he added.

"So we'll give teachers more power over discipline and bring in a pupil premium - extra funding for the poorest children so they go to the best schools, not the worst."

Speaking to Sky News, former Labour cabinet office minister Tom Watson said the leaking of the Queen's Speech was "a huge embarrassment for Parliament and the Palace".

"David Cameron has said on many occasions in the past that Parliament should be the first to know Government announcements," Mr Watson added.

"I know he will want to practice what he preaches by ensuring this never happens again. There should be an immediate leak inquiry."

Universities under pressure to pay living wage

London universities are under pressure from students and community groups to support a campaign to pay cleaners a "living wage".

Six universities in the capital now back a living wage of £7.60 per hour.

King's College is set for talks with campaigners next week - while University College London says it has "no plans" to adopt the living wage.

Students say the gap between high-paid university bosses and low-paid cleaners is "shocking".

A cleaner on the minimum wage of £5.80, working 40-hours a week, 52 weeks a year, would have to work more than 33 years to earn the annual pay package of the provost of University College London.

The University of London Union and London Citizens are campaigning for the living wage of £7.60 per hour to be paid to cleaners in universities in the capital.

They say that the living wage is the threshold that is needed to survive in an expensive city such as London - and is higher than the legal minimum.

It has been adopted by the London School of Economics, Birkbeck, the School of Oriental and African Studies, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary.

Goldsmiths says it is introducing the living wage when it renews its cleaning contract.

King's College says it is about to hold an "initial meeting" with the students and representatives of London Citizens.

But University College London says it has "no plans to join the London Living Wage Campaign".

It says it pays its own directly-employed staff above the living wage, but this does not apply to cleaners who are hired through another company.

"UCL considers itself a fair employer and benchmarks its rates of pay and conditions of employment against competitor organisations, in relation to which they are attractive," says the university.

The university's president and provost, Malcolm Grant, is among the best paid university leaders in the UK.

UCL says he was paid £303,492 in 2008-09 - with pension and benefits the total was £404,742.

Students have contrasted the high levels of pay for the senior staff in universities with a reluctance to pay more for low-paid staff.

A report earlier this year found that 19 university heads were earning more than £300,000.

"For publicly-funded organisations there is an additional responsibility to have some kind of conscience," says ULU's vice president, Mazdak Alizadeh.

"There is a clear parallel between high pay at the top and low pay at the bottom.

"Those at the bottom should have enough to get by and not to have to live and work in poverty," he said.

Describing the pay gap as "shocking", he said: "It can't be justified to pay so much at the top when people who work for you are struggling to feed their families."

The living wage campaigners say that low pay condemns workers to a grinding life of poverty, many having to do two or three jobs, with limited time to see their own families.

An election event organised by the Citizens UK community group - and promoters of the living wage - was addressed on Monday by leaders of the three biggest political parties.

They heard the testimony of 14-year-old Tiari Sanchez who described the difficulties of a family trying to survive on her mother's income as a cleaner.

She broke down in tears and was comforted by Labour leader Gordon Brown as she described the lack of money for the basics of food and travel.

Her mother, who worked as a cleaner at the Treasury, had to leave home at 3.30am because she could not afford to travel there by tube.

"If they were paying a living wage, my mum could afford the tube and I would see her for three hours more every day," she told the meeting.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

London Metropolitan University faces £6m over-recruitment fine

A London university is facing a fine of just under £6m for over-recruiting UK undergraduates this year.

London Metropolitan University says it recruited 1,500 more students than it should have done, partly because of the rush for places last summer.

It received a letter from England's higher education funding body Hefce this week saying it would be fined £5.9m.

That is more than twice the highest fine imposed last year.

The magazine Times Higher Education is reporting that some believe as many as 25,000 students will have been over-recruited in this way, meaning there could be record fines this year.

Universities in England have to pay roughly £3,700 for each student they take above a set number they have been told they can take.

Last year Hefce imposed fines of just over £8.5m in total.

The largest (£2.2m) was against South Bank University, also in London.

This year's fines will be published by Hefce at the end of March.
'Take it on the chin'

London Metropolitan's Vice Chancellor Malcolm Gillies wrote to staff this week to explain what had happened.

He said London Met was one of "many" English universities which had unintentionally over-recruited during a rush for places ahead of the increase in tuition fees for many students in the UK.

The university had been seeking to fill up half of its places through Clearing - the system which matches vacant university places to applicants who generally either apply late or do not get the grades they need for their first choices.

Prof Gillies said: "Because of the volatility of admissions in 2011-12 during Clearing, many English universities unintentionally over-recruited.

"Universities have an obligation to accept students in particular categories. We have always been a big university for Clearing and we are proud of that, of giving an opportunity to students," he told the BBC News website.

"There was a large rush through the gate at the last minute. But we greatly exceeded our number so we have to take it on the chin and recognise that we have an obligation to reach our target and we will have to revise our system."

Prof Gillies said that because the university would receive tuition fees [more than £3,000 a year this academic year] from the extra students it had taken on, this would offset much of the fine.

The net cost of taking on the students would be £700,000 he said.

The government has said over-recruitment is putting extra unexpected pressure on its finances, because of the cost of supporting students with tuition fee loans and bursaries.
UK picture

From this autumn, students from England attending universities in any part of the UK will pay tuition fees up to a maximum of £9,000 a year.

The government has been encouraging universities to charge fees of less than £7,500 by offering extra places to those which do.

Fees at London Met range from £4,500 to £9,000 a year, with an average of £6,850.

Students from Scotland who study at universities in other parts of the UK will also pay fees at this level, although Scottish students who stay in Scotland will continue to pay no fees.

Students from Wales will be subsidised by the Welsh government wherever they study in the UK and will pay no more than the present level of fees.

Fees for students from Northern Ireland who stay there to study are being frozen at present levels, but those who study in other parts of the UK will pay fees of up to £9,000 a year.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Education Divisions Boost McGraw-Hill and Pearson Earnings

Two of the biggest players in education publishing had good news to report in their most recent earnings filings, even though McGraw-Hill (MHP) supplied more tangible information than its U.K.-based competitor, Pearson (PSO).

McGraw-Hill Sees Strong Gains in Education Division

For its third quarter, McGraw-Hill's profit rose to $380 million, or $1.23 a share, from $336 million, or $1.07 a share in the year-earlier period -- a 15% increase from the same time last year and way above analysts' expectations of $1.10 EPS. Total revenue grew by 5.5% to $1.98 billion, also beating analysts' projections for the company.

On the education side, revenue jumped 5.5% to $1.1 billion while operating profit grew 19.9% to $357.5 million. That took into account a $3.8 million pre-tax gain on the divestiture of a secondary school business in Australia, while foreign exchange had negligible impact this quarter, a far cry from previous earnings periods.

Looking at specific education segments, revenue for the School Education Group increased by 6.7% to $534.7 million compared to the same time last year, while the higher education side went up 4.3% to $520.0 million. The School Education Group is now on track to capture 30% of the estimated $825 million to $875 million state new adoption market in 2010, owing in large part to substantial orders from the adoption states with the biggest student enrollments, such as Texas, California, and Florida.

Good news also came from the Standard & Poor's side, as that division's revenue increased 9.5% to $697.4 million compared to 12 months ago. The biggest reason? High-yield debt issuance.

As for information and media, Q3 revenue declined by 4.7% to $227.8 million compared to the same period last year, but it would have increased 5.1% if not for lingering residue from the sale of BusinessWeek to Bloomberg. Operating profit for this division also increased by 55.1% to $45.8 million in the third quarter.

In a statement, Chairman, CEO and President Harold McGraw III attributed the earnings jump to a slew of factors, including "surging global high-yield issuance in the bond market, a solid gain at S&P Indices, increases in U.S. elementary-high school and higher education in the seasonally most important quarter of the year, double-digit increases in the sales of digital products and services in higher education and professional markets, and global growth in energy information products."

Looking ahead, the company is bumping up its guidance, now anticipating earnings per share somewhere between $2.60 and $2.65, even with a one-time gain of 2 cents EPS from recent acquisitions.

Pearson Finds Success in Move to Global Learning Technology

As for Pearson, its nine-month trading report was thin on numbers and long on percentage-driven positive news. Overall, the company increased sales by 7% and adjusted operating profit 15% in the first nine months of 2010. Its trade book publishing arm, Penguin, saw revenue grow 5% compared to last year, and the education side increased 7% from 12 months ago. That piece of news caused Pearson to remark that it continues "to accelerate our transformation from book publisher to the leading global learning technology and services company through organic investment and bolt-on acquisitions."

An 11% jump in revenue for the Financial Times came about because of "strong demand for its print and digital content," increased M&A activity and sustained advertising growth. For Penguin, Pearson noted that "physical retail markets are tough," but they were offset "by strong publishing and rapid growth in eBook sales" for 16,500 titles currently available. Industry newsletter Publishers Lunch ran the numbers, and for e-books that means "if Penguin ebooks went from 8.5% of U.S. sales after two quarters to 10% of U.S. sales in the third quarter, that would comprise revenue of approximately $4 million."

In other words, as is the case for almost all big publishers right now, e-books are growing, but the story is still small potatoes compared to larger sectors like education -- and print publishing as a whole.

This post has been edited to correct various figures. The original numbers cited for Standard & Poor's revenue referred to the Credit Market Services Division, while the overall operating profit grew 19.9%, not 9.9% as originally cited. 

Thursday, 16 February 2012

British firms eye Oman's health, education sectors

Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) as well as Oman Centre for Investment Promotion and Export Development (OCIPED) and firms from the oil and gas sector.

With London and the UK's south east region contributing the majority of the UK's £500mn trade with Oman, the region is looking to consolidate Britain's place as the No 1 investor in Oman, said Dermot Shean, trade adviser with UK Trade and Investment South East.

Although retaining its traditional focus on the defence and oil and gas sectors, Shean told Muscat Daily that UK companies are looking at expanding into a range of other sectors including ports, infrastructure, healthcare and education.

Throughout the visit, the delegation held a series of one-on-one meetings with Omani counterparts at the OCCI as well as visits to a host of government departments, from which many delegates left with genuine interest, said UK Trade and Investment international trade adviser Carolyn Bentley.

"After the meeting at the OCCI, where each company had a table, some of them made some very useful contacts and are going on to further meetings this week while they are here."

Sunday, 12 February 2012

UK students switch to US universities

Within four years, a quarter of sixth formers at a leading UK independent school will be heading for universities in the United States.

That's the prediction of Anthony Seldon, head of Wellington College in Berkshire.

Dr Seldon, one of the UK's most prominent head teachers, says that ambitious teenagers are looking further afield than ever before in their university choices.

The lure of well-funded US universities, with more broad-based course options, is proving increasingly attractive to youngsters in the UK, he says.

At a recent talk with pupils, he said that about 40% claimed to want to go to US universities, with the expectation that many of these will actually go on to enrol.

This surge in academic wanderlust reflects the experience of the Fulbright Commission, which promotes educational links between the US and UK.

The level of interest is "rising sharply" this year, says commission director Lauren Welch.

They were taken aback when 4,000 students turned up for a US university recruitment fair in London last month - double previous years.

When admissions figures are known in the new year, she expects a spike in applications.

The most recent figures, from this autumn's intake, saw big increases in applications from students in the UK to universities such as Harvard, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania.

Students wanting to apply to US universities can take the SAT common entrance test in the UK - and the College Board which runs the test reported a 30% increase in such UK candidates.

The introduction of higher tuition fees at UK universities, up to £9,000 per year, is pushing students to think much harder about their options. It's also changing the balance of what is affordable.

Dr Seldon says that universities in the UK are going to have to take more care about what they're offering in terms of contact hours, subject options and pastoral care. The competition is now global.

He says that for the price of UK fees, students are being offered courses in Hong Kong, with change for the air fares home. There are also pupils looking at universities in Canada, Australia, China, South Africa and in continental Europe, he says.
Budget Harvard

The headline price of US universities can be dauntingly high - the top bracket are above $50,000 (£32,000) per year - but this is often offset by high levels of means-tested financial support.

Harvard spokesman Jeff Neal says the university has seen growing numbers of students from the UK and that families with "low and middle incomes will likely pay no more to send their students to Harvard than to a UK university".

From next year, students at Harvard from families earning below $65,000 (£41,000) per year will not have to pay any tuition fees.

The most competitive US universities, hungry for the most talented students, recruit from around the world, with means-tested support available.

So what's it like to go from a school in England to an Ivy League institution?

Jason Parisi, from Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire, has started this term at Yale and talks enthusiastically about his experiences.

He says he was drawn by the quality of the course on offer, and the belief that the international experience would give him an advantage in the jobs market when he returned, marking him out from the rest of the graduates.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

The Friends of Dulwich College - Grand Festive Fair 2011

Our ‘Deck the Halls’ annual festive event run by the Friends of Dulwich College, is in the final stages of planning and promises to be bigger and better than ever. With over 120 fabulous stalls, selling high quality gifts for all ages and tastes, it is an unmissable seasonal event. Many describe it as a one stop Christmas shopping day. We have been inundated with applications for stalls this year and have vendors travelling from as far away as Wales, Dorset & Norfolk to sell their wares. (do remember that we have no credit card facilities!)

Our hugely popular Food Hall will again have mouth-watering fare that rivals that in Knightsbridge , and this year we are extending our catering courtyard to a traffic free zone in the car park. Hot food, mulled wine and lots of other warming treats will be available. Our popular café run by the Junior School, will as ever, be a place to take a break over hot drinks and lovely home made baked goodies. There is festive musical entertainment planned alongside the café and this year the Art Department are staging an exhibition of their work, which can be purchased as unusual gifts for family and friends.

As always, we carefully choose a charity to which we donate a large proportion of our overall proceeds .This year we have decided to support Hassan White a Dulwich College pupil who was sadly involved in a road accident last year and is only just learning to take his first steps again after months of recuperation. We hope to support his recovery by the purchase of a special piece of equipment for him. We do not usually charge an entrance fee for the fair but this year we will have buckets at the doors for donations of change for this worthy cause.  Please dig deep into your pockets for him.

Staff members are again donning their boots for sporting entertainment, so do take time out to watch their endeavours! They will also be raising money for Hassan. Our U15 footballers will be raising money to help towards their tour costs and will be organising Beat the Goalie competitions. They are also planning to wash cars while you shop (weather permitting).

Our raffle promises to be another star attraction and all proceeds will go this year to Childline.

Last year we introduced a Fun Zone, run by our Lower School Boys. By popular demand we are repeating this as it was not only huge fun for our younger visitors but also allowed the boys to raise money for charities close to their own hearts.

Our smallest guests will be charmed by the elves in our Santa’s workshop and all visitors receive a fabulous Christmas Gift from the man himself.

We hope to see you at this fabulous event ….wrap up warm and do bring good weather if you can….

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Latest parliamentary news on education

Schools, access to higher education and support for students has been debated on several occasions in Parliament recently. Find all the latest information on the Education Bill and other parliamentary material.

Education Bill

The Government's Education Bill was introduced into the House of Commons on 26 January 2011.The Bill seeks to implement the legislative proposals in the Department for Education’s schools White Paper, 'The Importance of Teaching' and measures from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills relating to skills and the reform of higher education funding.

The Bill had its second reading on 8 February 2011 and is currently being considered by a Public Bill Committee.

    Commons news: Second reading of Education Bill
    Department for Education: Schools White Paper 'The importance of teaching'

Keep up to date with all the proceedings and documents on the Education Bill. Also find out how a Bill becomes an of Parliament.

    Bills before Parliament 2010-12: Education Bill
    About Parliament: Passage of a Bill

Academies Bill [HL]

The Government's Academies Bill was introduced into the House of Lords on 26 May 2010. The Bill completed all its stages in the House of Lords and was then sent to the House of Commons for consideration.

The Bill received Royal Assent on 27 July 2010. The Academies Act 2010 enables more schools in England to become Academies.

    Bills before Parliament 2010-12: Academies Bill [HL]
    Lords news: Academies Bill receives second reading (7 June 2010)
    Lords news: Academies Bill committee stage: day one (21 June 2010)
    Lords news: Academies Bill committee stage: day two and three (23 and 28 June 2010)
    Lords news: Academies Bill report stage (6 and 8 July 2010)
    Lords news: Academies Bill receives third reading (13 July 2010)
    Commons news: Second reading of Academies Bill (16 July 2010)
    Commons news: Committee stage and third reading of the Academies Bill (21, 22 and 26 July 2010)

House of Commons Library analysis

The House of Commons Library regularly produce briefing papers which inform MPs about key issues. The Library has published a number of briefing papers on the Education Bill and higher education.

    Commons Library Research Paper: Education Bill (PDF 837 KB)
    Commons Library Research Paper: Academies Bill [HL] (PDF 563KB)
    Commons Library briefing paper: Changes to higher education funding and student support from 2012/13 (PDF 347KB)
    Commons Library briefing paper: Entrants to higher education (PDF 249KB)
    Commons Library briefing paper: Higher education finance statistics (PDF 146KB)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Reading University's Mr Impeccable

It is surprising to learn that Sir David Bell is still only 52. He has been chief education officer of Newcastle, chief executive of Bedfordshire county council, head of Ofsted and, most recently, permanent secretary at the Department for Education. Now he is vice-chancellor of the University of Reading and can, as he puts it, "call 'house!' on the bingo card of educational jobs", which isn't bad for a man who started as a primary school teacher in his native Glasgow. He got most of his jobs at ridiculously early ages: a deputy headship at 26, a headship at 29, chief executive at 36. He doesn't think he's Reading's youngest vice-chancellor, but he must be the first who trained as a primary teacher.

If you ask how he got these jobs, people will say it's because he's good at running things. They can quote, for example, from a "capability review" on the education department carried out by the Cabinet Office during Bell's tenure: he was "visible, decisive, engaging and inspiring". Or Ofsted's verdict on Newcastle in 1999: that a "remarkable improvement" in its performance "to a large extent results from" Bell's appointment four years previously. He did so well as permanent secretary that he was at one stage tipped for cabinet secretary.

But other people are good at running things, and even Bell has mishaps. At the education department, for example, he accepted a measure of responsibility when Michael Gove, the secretary of state, left himself open to legal challenge over axeing school building projects and, on his watch at Ofsted, the inspectorate was berated for issuing a number of flawed reports.

So perhaps it is Bell's authoritative manner that has taken him so far. Everything he says sounds balanced and measured – "I am extreme in my moderation," he explains – and the certainty and confidence probably derive (though he is no longer a churchgoer himself) from his Scottish Protestant background. Estelle Morris, a former Labour education secretary, describes him as "one of the calmest men I've ever met".

The manners are impeccable. In his office at Reading, with its panoramic views over the university's Whiteknights Park, he greets me with the firmest of handshakes, warmly recalls our previous encounters, introduces me to his personal assistants, and regularly drops my Christian name into his answers. You admire the smooth functioning as you might admire a Rolls-Royce. I learn from the university's communications officer that, while undergraduate applications for next autumn are down 7% generally, Reading's are up 10%. This cannot have anything to do with Bell, who has been in post just four weeks, but you can't help feeling that, when he appears on the scene, things inevitably go well.

At Ofsted, he was often sharply outspoken, criticising the Labour government for turning down the Tomlinson report's recommendation to scrap A-levels and GCSEs and lamenting the effects of "the target culture" on schools. Permanent secretaries, however, aren't allowed to express controversial opinions in public, even after they've left the job. So reports of tensions between him and Gove have never been publicly confirmed. Bell has always been described as "close to New Labour", though nobody would ever be rude enough to call him a crony. When he left the education department at Christmas, newspapers reported "a difficult relationship" with Gove. "Here's a knighthood, good references, off you go," was one account of his departure.

Bell is having none of it. "I never had a difficult relationship. I told the secretary of state in the summer of 2010 that I didn't expect to do a full parliament, and expected to be away around the end of 2011. That's exactly what happened."

He has no quarrel with either free schools or Gove's rapid expansion of academies. "I have always believed that if you maximise the independence of schools you have a better chance of securing progress. Academies are not a huge step from local management of schools. They are a logical continuation of policies to increase levels of school autonomy." Pushing the Academies Act through parliament as soon as he came to office was "a brilliant decision" by Gove. Free schools are "a good addition to the system" that "will have a galvanising effect". As for suggestions that the creation of these schools, outside the local authority system and wholly dependent on Whitehall, amounts to a power-grab, "that's a caricature – the secretary of state won't be taking every micro-decision about schools from Cornwall to Cumbria". Gove's reforms haven't caused the same "brouhaha" as the health reforms, Bell points out. "That's because they haven't been imposed systemwide. It's not been a top-down reform in which every school has to become an academy."Education's ex-top civil servant 'never had a difficult relationship' with Michael Gove, he says. And in fact, when he speaks, his phraseology sounds eerily similar to that of the secretary of state, says Peter Wilby


Monday, 6 February 2012

Merger to create new university for Scotland

Scotland is a step nearer having a new university following ministerial approval to merge an existing higher education institution and further education college.

Unless any Scottish MPs lodge an official objection to the plan in the next 21 days, which is thought unlikely, then the proposal to join Paisley University with Bell College to create a new university will go ahead on August 1.

The merger will for the first time bring a university to Lanarkshire in the west of Scotland and create the largest school of health, nursing and midwifery in Scotland. A name for the new higher education institution has yet to be decided but there is already a proposal on the table to call it the University of the West of Scotland.

Alex MacLennan, the principal of Bell College and vice-principal designate of the merged institution, said: "Having a university presence in Lanarkshire is hugely important for the area and this announcement brings us one step closer to making this a reality.

"[The] merger will reap tremendous benefits for us, opening up higher education opportunities for many more thousands of people across the west of Scotland. It will give us the opportunity to offer a wide choice of high quality, career-focused programmes from a new and distinctive regional university with strong international links."

His enthusiasm for the new university was shared by the principal designate of the merged institution, Seamus McDaid, currently principal and vice-chancellor of the University of Paisley.

He said: "We aim to have a transformational influence on the economic, social and cultural development of the west of Scotland through the provision of high quality, inclusive higher education and innovative applied research.

"The merger is good news for both the University of Paisley and Bell College as it will permit us to engage in developments of a scale that we could not have done as independent organisations."

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Sony Provides UK University With 3D Stereoscopic Technology

Sony Computer Entertainment has teamed up with the University of Central Lancashire in the UK to provide 3D stereoscopic rendering as part of a final year game development course.

Three graduates at the university worked closely with Sony's PlayStation 3D technology experts to incorporate the technology into their final year projects, including research into methods for making 3D stereoscopic games run faster.

Another 40 students at the university were also involved in an SCEE trial that looked into whether stereoscopic 3D users have a competitive advantage in gaming over those who do not.

The company is planning to present its findings at the 3D Entertainment Summit in Los Angeles this week.

Simon Benson, senior development manager at SCEE, commented, "I've been extremely impressed with the graduates' work and it shows what potential they have going into the gaming industry."

"It's been great working with UCLan because the staff are keen to move with developments and have taken on board a vision of 3D gaming. They are providing their students with industry informed skills that are very much needed in the future of gaming."


Saturday, 4 February 2012

UK university applications in 'steepest fall for 30 years'

The proportion of UK students applying to start degrees in the autumn will drop by 10% this year, a university leader has predicted – the steepest fall for 30 years.

Professor David Green, vice-chancellor of the University of Worcester, based his forecast on more than 25 years' involvement in university applications, nine of them as the head of an institution.

His prediction comes ahead of the publication on Monday morning of figures that will show how many students have applied to start university this autumn – when fees rise to up to £9,000 a year.

The figures, published by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas), will give the number of applications institutions received by 15 January – the official deadline.

The final application figures will be announced in the autumn because some students apply for courses between now and the end of June, outside the official route.

Professor Green predicts that, by this summer, there will be an estimated 70,000 fewer applications from UK-born students than there were last summer – a 10% drop. He said this would be the biggest fall in the proportion of UK students since the 1970s.

However, he said about 140,000 students would still be rejected by universities this summer because institutions were restricted by the number of places they could offer. Last year, almost 210,000 – one in three applicants – failed to get a place.

Professor Green said the reasons for the expected drop in applications were multifold and include the fact that the maximum fee has almost trebled to £9,000.

He said teenagers may have been deterred from applying by mistakenly thinking they may have to pay for their fees when they register at university. Students pay their fees with a student loan, which they start repaying when they graduate and earn more than £21,000.

Some young people now wrongly thought their employment prospects would be enhanced by skipping university and starting paid work on leaving school, Green said.

"There has been much talking up of apprenticeships and learning a trade when opportunities for both of these are limited," he said. "In the short term, some young people who would have gone to university will end up on benefits, in the long term, we will have a workforce that is less skilled."

Earlier this month, the latest statistics from Ucas showed UK applications for this autumn had slumped by almost 8%.

Some 283,680 people had applied from within the UK, compared with 306,908 at the same point last year.

The fall has been partly blamed on the fee hike, but is also thought to be due to a glut of applications in 2010 in anticipation of the fees rise. Demographic factors could also be behind the slump. The number of 18-year-olds in the UK is projected to decline over the rest of the decade by 11%.

The figures on Monday will show whether 18-year-olds from low-income families have been particularly deterred. Ucas has classified parts of the UK into five groups according to their level of participation in higher education.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Spotlight on Faculty Member Wayne Lewis

Q. What do you love about the College of Education?

A: I have been with the College of Education about two years now and more than anything, I love working with my students. I am an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership Studies and a Co-Director of the Education Policy and Law Lab, and more than just being hardworking students, they are wonderful people. They bring varied experiences to their graduate programs, but share the element of total commitment to improving learning for children in Kentucky and I feel extraordinarily privileged to work with them.

Q: What did you do before working here?

A: Immediately before coming to UK, I was a doctoral student at North Carolina State University. At NC State I also worked as a graduate research assistant in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and taught a foundation of education course for undergraduate pre-service teachers in the College of Education. Prior to that, I was a middle and high school teacher in public school districts in North Carolina and Louisiana.

Q: So where are you originally from?

A: I am originally from New Orleans, La.

Q: How did UK come into the picture?

A: My colleague Justin Bathon and I have a mutual friend, Kevin Brady at North Carolina State University where I did my doctorate. Kevin served on my dissertation committee and knew through Justin that the Department of Educational Leadership Studies at UK was recruiting for a position. I gave Justin a call that evening. We were actually headed to the same conference the following day in Orlando, so we met there and talked. From there things moved pretty quickly. I came to campus to interview two weeks later. It was pretty clear that UK was going to be the right fit for me.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: I am a saxophonist. I have been reading music almost as long as I’ve been reading words. It is kind of hard not to get into music growing up in New Orleans. I picked up the saxophone in early elementary school. I started playing talent shows, and then local New Orleans clubs and second lines at about 14; first with the Ace of Spades Brass Band and later with the Lil Stooges Brass Band. I had the opportunity to attend St. Augustine High School and play in the marching, symphonic and jazz bands. I then went on to attend Loyola University in New Orleans where Jazz Studies was my major.


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

U.K. agency tentatively OKs proposed research with hybrid human-animal embryos

LONDON - British authorities on Thursday approved scientists' use of animal eggs to create human stem cells, a ruling that is expected to boost the supply of stem cells for research.

The decision means that researchers will be able to refine their techniques for producing human stem cells by practising first on animal eggs, of which there is a steady supply. Similar work involving human-animal stem cells is also underway in China and the United States.

"This is good news for research, but most importantly, it is good news for patients," said Sophie Petit-Zeman of the Association of Medical Research Charities.

Scientists have been exploring the use of stem cells to cure many degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, since the cells have the ability to develop into any cell in the human body.

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority said it had granted conditional one-year licences to two institutions to conduct research using mixed human-animal embryos. In Britain, all research involving human eggs and embryos must be approved by the authority.

Scientists from King's College and Newcastle University submitted applications last year to create human stem cells using animal eggs.

The process involves injecting an empty cow or rabbit egg with human DNA. A burst of electricity is then used to trick the egg into dividing regularly, so that it becomes a very early embryo, from which stem cells can be extracted.

"Cow eggs seem to be every bit as good at doing this job as human eggs," said Lyle Armstrong of Newcastle University.

Because the animal cell's nucleus would be removed before human DNA was added, scientists said the resulting egg would not be a chimera. The embryos would not be allowed to develop for more than two weeks.

"We will only use them as a scientific tool and we need not worry about cells being derived from them everbeing used to treat human diseases," Armstrong said.


Tuesday, 31 January 2012

UK: £11m distributed to cut university emissions

Nearly £11 million (US$17 million) in interest-free loans has been distributed to fund projects that will reduce universities' carbon emissions, writes David Matthews for Times Higher Education.

Four major projects and 24 smaller schemes will receive money in the second round of the Revolving Green Fund, distributed by the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The fund is 'revolving' because money saved by the institutions in energy bills is then recycled into new projects. The University of Exeter is one of four institutions to receive money to carry out major work, while a further two dozen institutions will be funded for smaller projects.

Full report on the Times Higher Education site


Monday, 30 January 2012

The Friends of Dulwich College - Grand Festive Fair 2011

Our ‘Deck the Halls’ annual festive event run by the Friends of Dulwich College, is in the final stages of planning and promises to be bigger and better than ever. With over 120 fabulous stalls, selling high quality gifts for all ages and tastes, it is an unmissable seasonal event. Many describe it as a one stop Christmas shopping day. We have been inundated with applications for stalls this year and have vendors travelling from as far away as Wales, Dorset & Norfolk to sell their wares. (do remember that we have no credit card facilities!)

Our hugely popular Food Hall will again have mouth-watering fare that rivals that in Knightsbridge , and this year we are extending our catering courtyard to a traffic free zone in the car park. Hot food, mulled wine and lots of other warming treats will be available. Our popular café run by the Junior School, will as ever, be a place to take a break over hot drinks and lovely home made baked goodies. There is festive musical entertainment planned alongside the café and this year the Art Department are staging an exhibition of their work, which can be purchased as unusual gifts for family and friends.

As always, we carefully choose a charity to which we donate a large proportion of our overall proceeds .This year we have decided to support Hassan White a Dulwich College pupil who was sadly involved in a road accident last year and is only just learning to take his first steps again after months of recuperation. We hope to support his recovery by the purchase of a special piece of equipment for him. We do not usually charge an entrance fee for the fair but this year we will have buckets at the doors for donations of change for this worthy cause.  Please dig deep into your pockets for him.

Staff members are again donning their boots for sporting entertainment, so do take time out to watch their endeavours! They will also be raising money for Hassan. Our U15 footballers will be raising money to help towards their tour costs and will be organising Beat the Goalie competitions. They are also planning to wash cars while you shop (weather permitting).

Our raffle promises to be another star attraction and all proceeds will go this year to Childline.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

City College students give Martlets a fundraising boost

Martlets Hospice had a £700 boost from City College Art & Design students recently when the proceeds from a 2011 charity fashion show was presented to Martlets Community Events Fundraiser Clem Hunnisett

Martlets Hospice had a £700 boost from City College Art & Design students recently when the proceeds from a 2011 charity fashion show was presented to Martlets Community Events Fundraiser Clem Hunnisett. In 'Rags to Riches', Fashion and Textile students from the Foundation and Extended Diploma Art and Design courses had taken unwanted charity shop garments which they then deconstructed and transformed into stunning fashion-wear. The students modelled their own garments, choreographed the show, and did their own make–up. The next Rags to Riches show will be at the College’s Main Hall on Pelham Street on Thursday February 9th at 3.30pm and students are currently busy working on their new creations.

"We're really struggling this year to raise the funds we need so it’s fantastic that a local college wants to support Marlets and it means everything to us", said Clem."I've seen the work-in-progress for the next Rags to Riches and I've been blown away by the students' talent and creativity so I’m really looking forward to seeing everything come to fruition on the big day."

For further information on Art & Design courses at City College

About City College Brighton and Hove: Situated in the heart of Brighton and graded ‘Outstanding’ in key areas by Ofsted in its June 2011 report, City College Brighton and Hove is an international centre of vocational excellence and one of the top performing Further Education Colleges in the country. Every year, 2,000 full-time, 7,000 part time, 400 Higher Education and 400 14-16 year old students as well as many international and European students choose City College as their place of further and higher education training. In addition, the College provides training to over 2,000 businesses via its 'City Business Skills' department which focuses on employer training needs. Offering over 700 courses from basic level right through to business and postgraduate training, City College is working with its partners to develop the workforce of the future.

Friday, 27 January 2012

University students protest higher tuition

TALLAHASSEE -- Some students protested tuition increases. Some lamented cuts to the Bright Futures scholarship program. And some said they were only after the extra credit.

But when the 200 or so university students cheered, chanted and booed on the Capitol steps Thursday, they all seemed to have one common goal.

“Being a student means you’ve sometimes got to speak truth to power, and let them know where you stand,” Rep. Darryl Rouson, D-St. Petersburg, said in preacher’s cadence, drawing wild cheers from the crowd.

Many of the students were en route to Tallahassee before dawn, on buses from the state’s 11 universities. Nearly three dozen attended from the University of South Florida.

The rally came at a time when tuition has hiked 60 percent in four years, said Michael Long, chairman of the Florida Student Association.

The proposed House budget would bump tuition another 8 percent. Most universities also expect to seek an additional “differential” tuition of up to 7 percent. The Senate’s budget proposals are not out.

“We don’t mind contributing to our education, as long as it’s reasonable,” Long said.

The Florida Student Association, which organized the rally, handed out pamphlets with three legislative goals.

•  Maintain the current level of state funding.

•  Increase money for Bright Futures but strengthen qualification requirements.

•  Reject proposals pending in the Legislature that would allow the governor to appoint the student member on the Board of Governors. Traditionally, Florida Student Association members elect the position.

Senate President Mike Haridopolos, R-Merritt Island, in his speech, promised to protect Bright Futures and criticized former legislatures for misspending money that could have gone toward education.

“For those who don’t know, Florida has the fifth-lowest tuition in the United States today,” he said.

“Keep it that way!” a student shouted.