Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Academic Freedom: Higher Education Reform And The Threat To Civil Liberties

Universities have a range of important functions - teaching, research and knowledge transfer are those that will be expected of any respectable university, anywhere in the world, but they also have important civic functions, particularly in democracies. With their legal autonomy, notwithstanding their large dependency on state funding, and the strong tradition of academic freedom, universities are important contributors to the defence and maintenance of civil liberties.

In many ways, the role of universities in defending and protecting civil liberties has been enhanced over the past few decades, as their number in the UK has grown and large successful organisations, which were previously part of the public sector, have achieved status as independent universities.

This growth in the contribution of universities to civil liberties has occurred at the same time as there has been a government-led gradual and sustained erosion of those civil liberties, particularly in the UK and the United States. Generally, governments do not defend and enhance civil liberties. Witness the attempts by previous Labour governments to extend detention without trial and the distaste of many in the current government for the European Human Rights Act.

The last 20 years have also seen the continued homogenisation of the media, ironically at a time when control of the media in fewer and fewer corporate hands has been counter-balanced by the growth of non-corporate digital media and web-based communication. The narrowing of the political debate within the UK and the US, which has occurred over the last few decades, means that the range of "respectable" opinions has also been narrowed.

It is in this overall context that the role of universities in protecting and enhancing civil liberties is crucial. Yet, one of the (presumably) unintended consequences, of the government's policy towards higher education is that the ability of universities to defend academic freedom and civil liberties may be reduced.

Markets are no protectors of civil liberties. The headlong rush towards the marketisation of English higher education is occurring in the context of a worldwide economic and financial crisis caused by excessive market liberalisation and a failure to regulate the banking system. It is ironic that, whereas in most countries there is now a recognition that there needs to be greater public regulation of private markets, particularly in finance, England is moving in completely the opposite direction with regard to higher education.

As the sector fragments and a growing number of institutions, without massive endowments, are forced to operate in a market and to compete with and probably emulate for-profit providers, will the civic role of universities be enhanced or reduced?

Will the ABC higher education corporation, probably part of a larger for-profit group, provide a safe haven for academics with outspoken and unpopular views on matters of public concern, such as abortion, employees' rights or the challenges to a community-based health service?

Our universities are important bastions of civil liberties and important support structures for democratic society. How do we prevent that being eroded as we move towards market liberalisation?

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